For Mother's Day, I got a new camera to take with us on our trip. It is a Nikon CoolPix P90. Drake found it downtown at Roberts Imaging. I love it. I am still trying to figure out how to use it. Kat and Aaron came to dinner and Aaron showed me some cool features. I can't wait to test them out. Earlier today, I went out and took some pictures of some of the flowers. Nothing exciting but a great chance for me to try out the new camera on something that doesn't constantly move (I tried Dempsey earlier but he kept coming up to me and trying to lick the camera). My next "subject" will hopefully be Dempsey if I can get him to cooperate :)

Here is a picture of the camera. So far, so good!

Here is a picture of the flowers from one of my hanging baskets.

Close up of one of the annual flowers (I can't remember what it is called.)
Lilies...I love the color!
Another close up of the lilies.

I took a photography class in high school and loved it. I would like to take another class sometime just for fun. Hopefully I can figure out this camera. I will post more pictures I take (when this weather gets better).