This past weekend, Drake and I started decorating for Christmas. Last year we went the day after Christmas to look for ornaments and other decorations. We found green and white ornaments for our tree. My parents gave us their old Christmas tree and decided to buy a new one this year. It is still in good shape and saved us some money. We looked for trees last year and didn't find one we liked. So far our tree has the ornaments and white lights. We are on the hunt for a tree topper. After many attempts on Sunday, we gave up and decided we would look again this weekend. We were not impressed by the ones we saw. If you know of any great places to look...let us know! We are looking for a simple star to
put on the top. I thought it would be easy to find, but all of the ones we saw were flashy and ugly. After we put the finishing touches on the tree, I will post pictures but until then you will just have to wait :)

Here are a few decorations we have up around the house:

Since we don't have a fireplace or mantle, we had to hang our stockings on the wall. We found this at Target on Sale for $7.99 a piece! I wanted to find a dog
gie one for Dempsey but I like that these match. Drake's is green, mine is white and Dempsey's is red. They add color to our bare wall.

This is in the entry way. We had these pieces last year but not together. We may put more of the red sprigs on the tree ( I am not sure if they will look right yet).

We decided we wanted to create a few decorations we saw at the store but thought they were a little too pricey. They are almost finished! Here are a few of the items you would need. Can you guess what it is? Hopefully they will turn out and I can put them on display!

We have many more decorations around the house but it will only let me post so many pictures at once. I will post the others as soon as I can!